This is the second one, again this excerpt will not appear in the actual body of the article. Donec finibus felis sit amet orci ultricies, vel ultricies dolor condimentum. Pellentesque nec pellentesque nunc, nec sodales odio. Quisque ut dolor sit amet ligula tempor fermentum. Mauris nec sagittis diam, ut egestas tellus. Sed aliquet venenatis felis, a eleifend nisl condimentum sit amet. Suspendisse potenti. Sed lobortis diam sit amet volutpat tempor. Etiam dignissim interdum tellus, ac fermentum nisl aliquet a. Ut consequat id odio finibus dapibus. Sed tincidunt porta dui. Nulla facilisi. Cras vestibulum, quam id vulputate convallis, mi erat molestie sem, quis bibendum nunc sapien ac nunc.
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Excerpt only, will not appear in page. Donec finibus felis sit amet orci ultricies, vel ultricies dolor condimentum. Pellentesque nec pellentesque nunc, nec sodales odio. Quisque ut dolor sit amet ligula tempor fermentum. Mauris nec sagittis diam, ut egestas tellus. Sed aliquet venenatis felis, a eleifend nisl condimentum sit amet. Suspendisse potenti. Sed lobortis diam sit amet volutpat tempor. Etiam dignissim interdum tellus, ac fermentum nisl aliquet a. Ut consequat id odio finibus dapibus. Sed tincidunt porta dui. Nulla facilisi. Cras vestibulum, quam id vulputate convallis, mi erat molestie sem, quis bibendum nunc sapien ac nunc.
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Named for the jazz band leaded Benny Goodman, WordPress has just released version 4.0 of it’s content management system. This is the first major numeral step of WordPress since June 2010 so there are bound to be some changes of note. Below is a video that WordPress has released, demonstrating the changes to the system. Primarily […]
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Product Categories Categories are managed from the Products > Product Categories screen. Just like post categories, you can add, delete and edit your categories here, however, unlike post categories you can also upload an image to be associated with the category: Upload a category image Category images will be shown on the frontend if you turn on […]
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Adding product images and galleries The featured image The featured post image is the main image for your product. It is the image which will be displayed within your product loops (IE on product categories, up sells, related products etc) and the initial focus of the image gallery on your product details page. Adding product […]
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